Computer II




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Computer Applications Standards


Course Description:


This advanced computer course builds upon earlier computer skills learned in Computer I. Computer II class fulfills the requirement of a one-half computer science credit. The students will be using laptop computers. The computers are currently running Windows 10 and using the Microsoft Office 2013 software.


You will learn to use some of the advanced features of the Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel and PowerPoint). Students will be shown the basics of HTML programming language and be introduced to basic JavaScript programming to build web pages. Students will continue to work with various Google applications. Students will create a web page using Microsoft Sharepoint and publish it to the K12 Data Network. Students will abide by teacher and state rules when publishing web pages/projects to the Internet. Students will work with the various Google applications. Students will also have access to the Internet and electronic mail.  Students will complete various projects. They will also complete various web page projects. Students will also be exposed to various online applications. Students will complete Breakout EDU simulations. Students will create a Breakout EDU simulation. Students will use SketchUp drawing program to create various projects.



1.                  To provide training in the operation of a computer in a networked, Windows-based environment.

2.                  To provide learning in advanced Microsoft Office 2013 programs.

3.                  Provide adequate detail about the Internet and the World Wide Web.

4.                  Design, create, and publish web pages using a variety of programs.

5.                  Develop spreadsheet, presentation, and multimedia skills.

6.                  Develop web page design skills.

7.                  Develop program integration.

8.                  Enhance on keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, Internet, and email skills.




HTML and JavaScript BASICS

3rd edition

Turner and Barksdale (ISBN: 0-619-26625-2)

Thomson/Course Technology


If time allows we will use the following textbooks for various projects:

Word It!, 2nd edition, B.E. Publishing, 2011

Present It!, 2nd edition, B.E. Publishing, 2011

Excel It!, 2nd edition, B.E. Publishing, 2011




Microsoft PowerPoint 2013
Review basics of PowerPoint and work on various projects.


Microsoft Excel 2013

Review Excel basics and work on various projects.


Web Page Design and Web Page Projects


Microsoft Sharepoint--creating web pages


HTML book:

Unit 1: HTML Basics

Lesson 1: Quick HTML Know-How

Lesson 2: HTML Organization Techniques

Lesson 3: HTML Power Techniques

Lesson 4: HTML Structural Design Techniques
JavaScript--we will discuss JavaScript and may use the lessons in the textbook if time allows and/or will also use online resources to learn JavaScript.

Lesson 5: What is JavaScript?
Lesson 6: Using Images with JavaScipt

Lesson 7: Creating Forms with JavaScript

Lesson 8: Using JavaScript with Frames

Dynamic HTML

Programming--we will work with various online programming applications. We will work through the website

Hour of Code--various online programming modules


This is a hands-on course where each student will be at a computer. The teacher will review each lesson adn students are expected to work on their assignments. Students will be working in a self-paced environment to assure each student has mastered each lesson. The teacher will introduce the lesson and the basic concepts and the student will follow the step by steps. Students are responsible for the end of the lesson material.


**Please note that if you are Late or Absent: It is your responsibility to get the course notes/handouts, textbook reading, and laboratory assignments should you miss class or be late.


Cheating Policy:

Students are expected to uphold the school’s standard of conduct relating to academic honesty. Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the academic work they submit. The guiding principle of academic integrity shall be that a student's submitted work; examinations, reports, and projects must be that of the student's own work.


For this class, it is permissible to assist classmates in general discussions of computing techniques. General advice and interaction are encouraged. Each person, however, must develop his or her own solutions to the assigned projects, assignments, and tasks. In other words, students may not "work together" on graded assignments. Such collaboration constitutes cheating. A student may not use or copy (by any means) another's work (or portions of it) and represent it as his/her own. If you need help on an assignment, contact your instructor, not other classmates. Students may not copy other student files from the Share File on the computer network. Cheating grades will show on the campus grade book.



Students will complete learning activities after lessons. 

Various forms of assessment--worksheets, labs, projects, tests, etc...



The teacher will inform students when assignment/homework is to be completed. All work will be due the next day unless teacher decides otherwise. All work is due at the beginning of class.


Consequences for late work:

Late work 1st day

-5 points deducted from assignment

Late work 2nd day

-10 points deducted from assignment

Late work 3rd day

-15 points deducted from assignment

Late work after 3rd day



Example: Chapter 1 worksheet assignment is due on Tuesday. You come to class and do not have your assignment completed at the beginning of class on Tuesday (-5 points deducted), you come to class on Wednesday and still no assignment completed (-10 points deducted), you come to class on Thursday and assignment still not handed in (-15 points deducted), and on Friday if you completed the assignment you still won’t get credit and if you still haven’t done the assignment, no (ZERO) points awarded and your grade will show a late and a missing grade. Please complete work on time or suffer the consequences.


My best advice would be to get work done on time. Take responsibility for your grades!

Late work and missing work grades will show on the campus grade book.



Students will be graded by using the point method. Each assignment is worth different points. Daily work could be worth up to 100 points. Quizzes/Projects range from 10-200 points.  Tests range from 40-200 points. Lab and written tests will be given.

·         Tests=40% of final grade

·         Quizzes/Projects=40% of final grade

·         Daily work=20% of final grade

·         Semester test counts 10% of final grade


· Reminder about the weighted grading, if you don’t do so well on one area (test or quiz or daily work), that will show up on your overall grade. For example, you may do well on tests and daily work and you fail 3 out of 10 quizzes, your grade will reflect that. Don’t assume what your grade is, look it up on DDN Campus.

· Example of how grades are figured using weighted grades:

· Test grades (your pts./total pts): 10/15, 20/30, 40/50=70/95=74%=D

· Quiz grades (your pts./total pts): 0/10, 2/10, 8/10=10/30=33%=F

· Daily work (your pts./total pts): 8/10, 30/40, 23/25=61/75=81%=C

· The below figures shows how to find your overall grade.

· Test totals 74% X 40%=.30

· Quiz totals 33% X 40%=.13

· Daily totals 81% X 20%=.16

· Total up these points=.59 or 59%=F=Overall Grade


Grading Scale:

Letter Grade               Percentage

A                                  100-93

B                                  92-86

C                                 85-78

D                                 77-70

F                                  69& below



Computer, pen or pencil.